Make Your Own Trellis for your Houseplants

This is an easy to do project for your garden. Garden trellis look good and moreover the ones you make yourself gives you so much satisfaction.

I will show you how to make trellis using a mesh. I have used a discarded mesh. You can take ideas from this and make anything of your own with whatever you find handy. The one I have used here can be easily found in hardware stores.

Here are the things which will be required by you :

A pair of scissors
Twine ( two small bundles )
Mesh ( metal/plastic)
Thin metal wires

You can follow the pictures:

Choose any plant you would like to make this support for. Here I have chosen Monstera Adansonii more commonly known as the Swiss Cheese plant. Make sure the pot in which you want to put the support is big in size. I have used a medium sized pot. Gather all the things you will need for this project.

Before you start, notice  the shoots and the position of placement of mesh in the pot. 

Start covering the mesh with twine. The loose ends should be tied up properly.

Using any gardening tool, dig the soil deep enough ( carefully without hurting the roots) to place the mesh. 

Place some big stones at the back of mesh to hold it stronger once you place the mesh in soil. 

Using small wires, carefully pin up the shoots over the mesh covered in twine. This is an easy process.

Here you go! Thanks for coming by :)


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